Steddy FreddyTo build your own "Steddy Freddy," follow these steps:
Video 2.24 min |
ToolboxFirst of all Your Mood!
- a neutral mood, please! Video 4.10 min Second:
Identifye Your EXPECTATIONS In a rather clumsy way… you are your own enemy. Yep, that little negative parrot in your head? It’s sitting there, squawking away, making you trip over your own feet and believe the illusion. 🙃 It whispers doubts, feeds fears, and convinces you that you're stuck. But here’s the thing—it’s just noise. Just an old, broken record that you don’t have to dance to. So maybe… it’s time to teach that parrot a new song? 🎶 😉 Curiosity - Your best friend in this!
Make it Your language, to describe your feeling!
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See you this Monday at 19:00 CEST (Stockholm timezone)! |